So you can either 1) install a firewall, 2) install an antivrus program, 3) install an anti-adware program, 4) get rid of Internet Explorer and Outlook (replacing them with Firefox and Thunderbird), and 5) pray that pirates aren't smart enough to overcome these protections and that, if a security flaw is discovered, Microsoft will take less than a month to make an update available (and this doesn't happen very often). Or you can install Linux and sleep soundly from now on.
As we have already said in the "virus" section, Open Source software (e.g. Linux) means more eyes to check the code. Every programmer on Planet Earth can download the code, have a look, and see whether it might have security flaws. On the other hand, the only people allowed to look at the Windows source code (its "recipe") are people working for Microsoft. That's hundreds of thousands of people (maybe millions) versus a few thousand. That makes a big difference.
But actually, it isn't exactly a matter of how many flaws a system has, compared to the others. If there are many flaws, but nobody has discovered them yet (including pirates), or they are minor (they don't compromise an important part of the system), pirates won't be able to do great damage. It is really a matter of how fast a security flaw can be solved once it has been discovered. If a security flaw is discovered in an open source program, anyone in the open source community can have a look and help solve it. The solution (and the update) usually appears within a few days, sometimes even a few hours. Microsoft doesn't have that much manpower, and usually releases security patches within about a month after the flaw has been discovered (and sometimes published): that's more than enough for pirates to do whatever they want with your computer.
www.whylinuxisbetter.comHum...pengennya sih memang dari dulu pake linux. Liat aja petikan diatas yang menyatakan Linux is Better. Setelah dipikir" emang iya sih. Tapi karena dirumah masih banyak banget program yang dibutuhin make OS Windows. Jadinya dari dulu ketunda terus mau beralih ke sistem operasi yang satu ini. Bikin penasaran banget dari dulu ;p, pernah sih nyoba beberapa kali. Pertama kali nyoba ubuntu 5, karena dapet gratis dikirim kerumah. Tapi karena kesan pertama begitu merumitkan, jadinya ditinggal pergi ;p. Seiring waktu, temen - temen disekitar sudah nyoba linux dalam kondisi yang bisa dibilang expert. Humm..jadi penasaran lagi, huehehue, lanjut lagi ketemu sama backtrack. Gara - gara ikut seminar hacking, tools nya katanya dibundle sama backtrack ini. Wah, sempet senyum" sendiri, karena linux canggih. Bisa dimomod isinya. ga kayak si windows yang bisanya cuma install, error, crash, BSOD. Hheuheuhue
Sempet juga ngadain seminar" lagi dikampus, eh ketemu mas y3dips(tuh ada di "tetangga") dia nya make linux dari distro Gentoo. Hummm..kesannya sih biasa, g kayak ubuntu yang sekarang ini yang udah berlimpah ruah isinya. Tapi kayaknya masiihhh aja penasaran, yang dibilang safe, surfing aman, stabil.. Huahh..
Makanya sekarang, sudah mulai membiasakan diri "jalan2" juga ke situs2 linux, buat liat" bagi pemulapert huahuaa...(pemula tpi pengen belajar cepet dan expret..,ngaco nih).
Buat pertama gini sih, fokusin dulu ke satu distro yang pengen dicoba. Yah..pilihannya jatuh kepada Gentoo dan Mandrake. Pemilihan keduanya berdasarkan bahwa temen - temen deket ada yang make linux dari distro itu. Jadinya kalo ada apa" tinggal ym ..wkakwaka..
PS : Tuntutlah ilmu setinggi kamar tidur ;p, jadi nggak tiggi2 amat bisa menggapainya... hauha..
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